Unfortunately today has been my first real day off since 2 weeks before Christmas. Huzzah for the World of Retail!
I had a family party on Christmas Eve and my Aunt gave my dog enough wine to make her drunk. Poor Baby. I have my soon to be in-laws over for dinner on Christmas. While I was cooking dinner my Fiance lead a NERF war in the backyard with his brother, our friend, his cousin and my siblings. With the sound of battle outside my window I watched laughing but I was stuck inside =(
On Christmas Eve I got my first gift. I got the Tatting Press from Nifty Needle. I put it to use almost immediately. She gave me a sample samples of some different Lizbeth thread and a sample of her Lupins to help me with my Lupin work. Thank you so much it is beautiful! I wish I had a digital camera to show it.
My Fiance bought me a Luckenboothe Brooch and a Tartan Scarf. His father and step-mother bought me 5 cookbooks all of Scottish recipes. His mother bought us some beautiful yard art and clothing. My sister bought me my first tatting book ever. Tatting Jewellery by Lyn Morton.
School's about to start back up. non erit requies fessis.