Saturday, July 21, 2012


About a month ago Fox put up a calling all tatters under thirty post.  It was for an interview about why you are a tatter and how it is starting to have a resurgence.  Being that I fit the criteria, a tatter under thirty, I volunteered myself.  I was finally interviewed by Joann last week.  Unfortunately I probably won't make it into her article.  The main reason is I have no real connections to Canada and it is a Canadian publication.  But who knows she may still use me. 

I'm finally getting some people interested tatting.  Last Sunday I had four students instead of the normal two.  I've noticed a few more who are interested too.  I hope some of my students come back for the class at the end of the month.

Friday, January 6, 2012

First tatting Class

I just taught my first tatting class.  I had a two hours to teach basics and hopefully a pattern.  It was a simple chain and ring flower and a simple butterfly.  Two hours later neither of my students could get past flipping the stitch.

I don't know how to teach the flip any easier.  My sister, who only cross-stitches, was able to flip a stitch in a half an hour.

More research must be done.  What is the easiest way to teach someone how to flip a stitch?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Delaying my Final Essay

In delaying my last essay this semester I happened to run across a give away by Tatted Treasures for 13 balls of Lizbeth thread.  I've been tuning in here and there and using some of the great tutorials.  I need to start posting more but school keeps me away.  What is neat though is my job at a bead store.  I just talked my manager into letting me teach a tatting class.  Now we are getting supplies.  I am so excited.  Now I need to make up some patterns...
 Here is some beading I'm learning

A quick "do-dad"

Friday, July 29, 2011

A Few Pieces of Tatting

Here are some pieces of my tatting work, I don't remember when I did most of them.  I was inspired to make many of these by other artists.  I can't remember where they all came from though. 
This was a commission piece for mother's day for one of my neighbors.

A Pendant and Earrings.  (I am one of those rare women in this world who still doesn't have her ears pierced.)

This one came out of a book Tatting Jewelry.

This one I can't remember right now...

I was trying to tat a pansy, or some such similar flower.  The long skinny piece is bead crochet.

These are just a few of my pieces.  I recently put them on my computer because I was using them in a portfolio for an interview.  I got the job, hopefully I'll be bringing tatting to the teaching table.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year and a belated Merry Christmas!

Unfortunately today has been my first real day off since 2 weeks before Christmas. Huzzah for the World of Retail!

I had a family party on Christmas Eve and my Aunt gave my dog enough wine to make her drunk. Poor Baby. I have my soon to be in-laws over for dinner on Christmas. While I was cooking dinner my Fiance lead a NERF war in the backyard with his brother, our friend, his cousin and my siblings. With the sound of battle outside my window I watched laughing but I was stuck inside =(

On Christmas Eve I got my first gift. I got the Tatting Press from Nifty Needle. I put it to use almost immediately. She gave me a sample samples of some different Lizbeth thread and a sample of her Lupins to help me with my Lupin work. Thank you so much it is beautiful! I wish I had a digital camera to show it.

My Fiance bought me a Luckenboothe Brooch and a Tartan Scarf. His father and step-mother bought me 5 cookbooks all of Scottish recipes. His mother bought us some beautiful yard art and clothing. My sister bought me my first tatting book ever. Tatting Jewellery by Lyn Morton.

School's about to start back up. non erit requies fessis.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


I can't believe it; I won a beautiful tatting press from Nifty Needle! O bona fortuna! I don't have long be for the sunsets and my dog wants to go for her walk. I'm so ecstatic, what a wonderful thing to win.

Mira vita est! Vivamus atque amamus, vitam est quoque brevis nam maestitiam.

(Practice makes perfect and I know I'm far from it. I just have to keep up with my Latin.)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wishing for More Time

I had a great dinner with my father and one of my siblings tonight. It was nice talking to my dad I haven't seen him in a while.
I've slowly been working on small projects. I made a tatted pendent for Thanksgiving and I'm working on small Christmas ornaments. Exams are over but the world of retail is in full swing. I wish Joann's and Micheal's had a better thread collection. It is very heard tatting with sewing thread instead of tatting thread. I want to learn more but I need to finish a few other pieces first. I also have stockings to make.
It is way to cold to be Florida right now. Time to curl up with my puppy in a nice warm bed.

obsem ad mei laborem sum
(I think that's right, I want to teach it I need to practice. I think I did well on my Latin exam)